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Prof. Nikos PLEROS

Professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
S6: Devices applications

Speech by Prof. Nikos Pleros

[Day 1]
Theme: Plasmonics and Photonics for High-Performance Biochemical and Environmental Sensing Applications-

Personal Information

Dr. Nikos Pleros is a Full Professor at the Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and Head of the Wireless and Photonics Systems and Networks (Win.Phos) research laboratory ( ) at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation at the same University. His research interests extend along a broad range of photonic technologies and their use for communications, computing and sensing, including linear optics, photonic neural networks, optical RAMs, optical interconnects, silicon photonics and photonic integrated circuit technologies, optical switching and fiber-wireless networks. He has more than 450 archival journal publications and conference presentations including several invited contributions, while his work has been cited >7.500 times with an h-index of 42 (GS). He holds 7 US and 3 National Patents in the fields of photonic biosensing and neuromorphic photonics, having co-invented a series of new architectures for matrix-vector and matrix-matrix multiplication circuits using integrated photonics. He has held positions of responsibility at several major conference committees including ECOC, OFC and SPIE Photonics West and has coordinated several FP7 and Horizon European projects, having raised in total a research funding of >15M Euro since 2010. He has received the 2003 IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship, the 15th prize in the Greek Mathematics Olympiad in 1993, the 2018 AUTH Excellence Award for his research project funding ID, the 2021 Greek Innovator Award and the 2021 AUTH Excellence Award for Innovation and Research. Dr. Pleros is also a Scientific Advisor at the US start-up company Celestial AI.


We will present our recent work on the deployment and performance evaluation of ultra-compact, real-time, label-free and multi-channel biochemical sensors utilizing a novel plasmo-photonic technology platform where light is completely exposed to the overlying biochemical analyte. We will discuss the underlying theory and present recent experimental results of CMOS plasmo-photonic sensors with ultra-high sensitivity values for applications in the biomedical and environmental sectors. .