Dr. Panteleimon PANAGIOTOU
Head of Unit ICT | Engineering & Natural SciencesEntity:
Bavarian Research AllianceCountry:
S5: Sustainability Circularity, SSbD and marketSpeech by Dr. Panagiotou
[Day 3]
11.50 am - 12.35 pm
Theme: EU-funds in the scope Horizon Europe Framework funding for Research
Dr. Panagiotou studied Chemistry at the University of Bayreuth and as research fellow at CNRS in Lyon completing his studies with a diploma thesis in physical chemistry at University of Bayreuth.
He completed his doctoral degree at Technische Universität München as research fellow at DESY in Hamburg, at ESRF & at ILL in Grenoble on scanning force microscopy, neutron & synchrotron scattering. Since 2007, Dr. Panagiotou is the Head of Unit of ICT | Engineering & Natural Sciences at the Bavarian state-funded support agency “Bavarian Research Alliance” (BayFOR) for supporting Bavarian stakeholders and their international consortium partners in obtaining information and advice in applying for EU funding to help shape the European Research Area. |
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